Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Scholarship:Federal Government Nigeria 1977 to 1979,1984
Dean's Honours:University of Missouri,Columbia,USA,1984
First Prize Award:Martin Luther King,Jnr,Missouri(Boone County)Missouri,USA,1986
Third Prize Award-Collegiate Art Exhibition,Missouri(Boone County)Columbia,USA 1986.
Mention/Recognition:Columbia Missourian,Missouri,Columbia,USA February 2,1986.
Mention/Recognition:Columbia Daily Tribune,Columbia,USA,July 10,1986.
Mention/Recognition:Gurdian NewsPaper April 7,2002
Mention /Recognition:WHO IS WHO IN NIGERIA (Nigerian International Biographical Centre)Third Edition(2006)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Oyoma Visual Arts Studio & Galleries

Oyoma Visual Arts Studios is located in No 30 Jemujaiye Street Charlesco Ware House Road off N.P.A Express Way Expan   Warri, Delta State Nigeria and it is the private working studio of Salubi Onakufe.( Associate Professor) A contemporary Nigerian Multi-Dimensional  Artist in Printmaking,Sculpture,Painting and Art Education Consultant. He obtained HND,BES and M.ED Degrees from Auchi Polytechnic,Auchi and University of Missouri, Columbia Missouri U.S.A in 1980,1985 andn 1986 respectively.
Currently Dean School  of Vocational Education, College of Education Warri,Delta State.Nigeria. He is a Chief Lecturer(Associate Professor)

In human history through the early stone age,to Neolithic revolution man has used art  as powerful means of communication.My art is the journey in search of my inner perception to visualize it through juxtaposition of Colours, Forms,Line, Texture and other principles of design and allow my inner perception to  dominate through personal conceptual ideas to create visual images in the 2 and 3 Dimensional visual art forms it expresses or mirror my artistic heritage and the roles of visual arts in societies through my personal expressions in my chosen and respect for the medium(media)